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wwlaos • 2 years ago

Shinobu lost all interest in Shadowverse, and yet she's willing to attend a Shadowverse school, run a major Shadowverse club, regularly tutor people in Shadowverse, play Shadowverse, and listen to a jerkass rabbit ramble on directly in her ear about Shadowverse.

...yeah, I don't buy it.

Zerity • 2 years ago

"I just started shadowverse today" dudes to OP

they could've finished the battle if they've shortened those extremely long evolutions, but really, they are too long and boring

Leinard Mora Sigalingging • 2 years ago

so Gentleman is like that one guy in your discord server who would mock you for playing weird tech cards in your deck, except Gentleman probably did it for honest to good reason just don't know how to do it without making the listener angry

SigmaDemon • 2 years ago

Exactly! People don't like criticism, even if its the constructive kind. I struggle with the exact same problem as Gentleman and they always leave before even 'trying' my advice. Its very sad and all he wants is to help! :(

Raka Bukhari • 2 years ago

Cool thematic Chess deck. it interesting that Magical Pawn pay homage to real pawn in chess. Pawn can move 2 square forward in its first move. After that, it can only move 1 square forward at a time.

Annecy Change • 2 years ago

If there a talking holo rabbit talkig to me I will be freak out too. I don't blame it on the kids. He had it tough not easy for him to connect to people. Light confessing already in this show. LOL I like him alot.

wwlaos • 2 years ago

Mystic Queen Mating? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

GreenTea Gal • 2 years ago

i like you, Gentleman!
bun hun: o////o

yuhi ohdo • 2 years ago

another two parter? bruh this could have easily been a one episode battle if they cut out the filler shit this battle didn't even need to be two parts if this was the og shadowverse or go rush the battle would have been finish...on top of that there's 48 episodes and this battle just wasted 2 of those 48 episodes!

Glinda • 2 years ago


Merlin • 2 years ago

Damn, mc is dishing out some serious moves